What would you do if you found out your adopted puppy only has about a year left to live?

Not give her back, right…? 😓

Unfortunately the family who adopted this pup through the local protectora didn’t want her anymore after finding out about her congenital disease.
Since no one wants to adopt a puppy knowing they won’t live long, she’s coming to us.
Marli is a 5 month old pup, born with congenital kidney malformation.
The test results aren’t looking good and pups who have this moderately usually live up to 1 year old.
We hope it’s moderate and not severe, the check-up she will have soon, and time will tell.
She will be able to live out the rest of her time with us, with all the love and warmth she will need as she will be inside our house with us. ❤️
She will be on a special renal diet, along with medication to give her as much time as possible.

We are asking for donations towards this, the local protectora will otherwise help us with this but we don’t think it’s fair that they try to pay the costs when everyone around here is struggling. They already help us so much with food and blankets. So please donate if you can! 🐶

⭐ PayPal: info@asraspain.org

⭐ Información del banco:
Titular: Asociación y refugio para animales sin posibilidades

⭐ Bizum 612439277

⭐ https://www.teaming.net/asociacionyrefugioparaanimalessinposibilidades